“...for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ...”
Ephesians 4:12
You will find a friendly greeting and a warm church family. Some of our folks will be dressed up and some will be in jeans and any number of choices in between. There will be an offering plate passed in every service as our church is solely funded by the free-will offering of those who attend. You are under no pressure to give and you will not be singled out or introduced publicly. We have an elevator around the back of the church building for handicapped accessibility. There is nursery provided for all services in our bright, clean nursery staffed by ladies and young ladies over the age of twelve all of whom have passed a CORI check. We also have “Children’s Church” during the sermon time that is geared for kids from Kindergarten to Third Grade. We strive to have congregational music that is God-honoring and joyful. Our preaching is straight out of the Bible. Please bring your Bible if you have one and if you don’t have one, please just ask!